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ECE Test Preset

CBBE 3BAv2 - 100 Weight
Status: Active
ECE Test Preset

This preset was formerly retired when used to showcase BHUNPv2 outfit. After re-setting up Enhanced Character Edit, this preset was re-made with the CBBE 3BAv2 body and brought back to showcase some outfits.
Race: Nord
Body Type: CBBE 3BA (3BBB)
Body Preset: SunChristine's 7BO for CBBE
Weight: 100 / 1.0
Framework: Enhanced Character Edit SE
Skin Texture: Pure Suka for CBBE, with applied armpit fix on normals
Make-Up: None
Hair: zzzz11.0_KS_SMP_90_Paraguay from Tullius Hair Pack 2.0 v12.3
Face Preset: Base Sculpt, SunJeong's edited version is currently private
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