Download: [Christine] Clockwork A non-lore friendly cyberpunk fashion light armor! Comes with 5 variant tops with slutty versions included. This armor supports the normal CBBE physics, CBBE SMP by Ousnius, and CBBE 3BA by Acro. Please choose your options in the fomod installer.

BodySlide: Please build the outfits under the name [Christine] Clockwork
Obtain: Smithing with Elven perks and materials.

The lower alt piece in the 3BA version blocks tops from being equipped is there a way to fix this?
It CAN be lore friendly... It's a rather Breton style. Given a backstory, you could say some Breton girl has a Dunmer friend from the Clockwork City made by Sotha Sil, or just like exploring Dwemer ruins and found the trinket nice enough for a belt buckle hahaha~
Love this mod. You think we will get and updated version with smp physics on the skirt?
PS: Keep up the amazing work.
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