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[Christine] Sexy Sorceress 2

Updated: Jul 17, 2023


Update July 17, 2023: Reuploaded file to try and remove the false positive on virus. There is NO virus. No changes made to the mod itself. Update July 16, 2023: Fixed invisible hands issue for BHUNP. Other bodies not affected. Hot Fix: Forgot to make ESL. Download again if you downloaded on July 15, 2023.

Credit: Threedplayer for the original armor. SunJeong for conversion and buying armors with license. Acro for additional screenshots. All equippable parts have HDT-SMP nodes.

Modular outfit categorized as clothing for mage playthroughs. All textures created by SunJeong. THIS OUTFIT IS HDT-SMP SUPPORTED ONLY!!!!! Supports CBBE, 3BAv2, and BHUNPv3.



Choose One Body: CBBE

BodySlide: Please build the outfit under the name "[Christine] Sexy Sorceress".

Obtain: Craft in smithing bench with leathers. No perks required. Or use AddItemMenu2.

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