Download for CBBE and CBBE 3BAv2: MediaFire (ver2.0) GoogleDrive (ver 2.0) BHUNP Download: Elven Princess BHUNP Update 2.0: - Fixed missing calves and forearms for regular CBBE tops - Added crafting and tempering recipes (tanning rack with leathers) - Fixed minor clipping with nipples for 3BA (on larger presets) Credit: NPR/Kurese for the original mod. Acro748 for screenshots!
A very skimpy Elven outfit! Classified as clothing with numerous modular pieces and recolors. Loin cloth comes with HDT-SMP physics.
This armor supports the CBBE 3BAv2 by Acro, BHUNP by bakafactory, and CBBE by Ousnius. Please choose your options in the fomod installer. Regular CBBE is not supported.

Requirements: Bodyslide and Outfit Studio XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Edition Choose One Body: CBBE
BodySlide: Please build the outfits under the name Dancer and Elven Princess. The mod has a SliderGroup for easier building.
Obtain: Use AddItemMenu2.
I really like! BTW What is the name of that hairstyle?
There seems to be a bug when using the 3BAv2 version.
The calves visually disappear when loading a game with the elven top and calves equipped. However, if you unequip the top, the calves appear on the body again. If you equip the top, the calves once again disappear. Inventory shows calves are supposed to be equipped, but it's not shown visually on the body.
For CBBE 3BA v2,
It seems there's some clipping on the upper butt when using the dancer back skirt.
You can see it in the gif above with the turnaround.
If you get the chance, could you please fix this?
Wish the BHUNP version wasn't behind a pay wall. Nice armor. Thank you.
None of the items from this outfit can be enchanted at the Arcane Enchanter due to their missing the proper Keywords... For instance, the Calves pieces should have the Clothing Feet Keyword so foot enchantments like Muffle can be placed upon them at the Arcane Enchanter. Please fix this.