Required Mods: HDT-SMP Melony Armor (Choose the one for "CBBE")
This is a port of the original mod to "true" CBBE, 3BAv2, and BHUNPv3. The ESP is also ESL-ified. Extra outfit variation included. SMP physics by Fuse00. This mod only aims to support the bodies listed above. No other fixes. Download:
Update 12/23/2022:
- Fixes incorrect partitions for the BHUNP boots. Other bodies not affected.
Credit: Fuse00 for the original armor and mod.

Choose One Body:
BodySlide: Please build the outfits under the name "Fuse00 Melony".
Obtain: Craft in smithing forge. Requires leather components.
what could be the problem, through the bodyslide I fit the armor but the armor Fuse00 Armor Melony - CBBE - 3BAv2 - BHUNPv3 does not appear in the bodyslide list.
When I install this outfit, the pouches go directly to the ground. Like its nodes weren't modified by the bodyside. Everything else works correctly, even the physics.
I used the "Slim (Outfit)" preset in this case to build the 4 parts.
1) I tried with CBBE normal and no physics,
2) with CBBE normal + CBPC
3) with CBBE + CBBE 3BA no physics,
4) with CBBE + CBBE 3BA + CBPC
5) Try uninstalling IED which I thought was messing with some of the meshes.
6) I even tried rebuilding my own body to the same preset.
You can see the same happening in Мусса Гараев's screenshots as well. So how would one fix that?
When I install this the outfit is completely purple. Does that mean it's missing meshes?
Edit: Did not notice the HDT-SMP Melony Armor requirement.. My apologies.
could you do Fuse00 sona armor next ^u^
Did a quick hotfix for the mod! The BHUNP version had the incorrect partition for the boots. All other bodies not affected and don't need to update.