Download: [Kirax] Vindictus Sakura Blossom
Credit: All credits go to the mod author Kirax. Here is his Patreon if you want to find his mods for LE or wish to support!
UPDATE 9/1/2020:
1. Fixed bone weighting of the main body
2. Added all recolors into the ESP. You no longer have to choose between the three colors.
A flowy and fancy mage style dress! Featuring full SMP clothing physics on almost all clothing parts! Fomod options for vanilla or heels sound. Fomod options for the color of the dress!
Note 1: The outfit ONLY supports HDT-SMP. Note 2: This is a fomod installer for vanilla footsteps or high heels footsteps.

Bodyslide and Outfit Studio
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Edition
BodySlide: Please build the outfits under the name Vin Sakura.
Obtain: The items can be crafted in smithing.

OMG The Hair! 😍 May you tell me what mod it is?
Hi Sun
I love Vindictus Sakura Blossom, that being said, I have to report something:
This mod is flagged as an esl, but it hasn't being compacted properly. Hopefully you'll fix this because this might cause save corruption.
Please follow this instructions until the author fixes this.
1. Open the plugin in SSEdit and remove the ESL flag.
2. Close SSEdit saving changes. Open SSEdit again and select the plugin again.
3. Then right click on the plugin and select "Compact formIDs for ESL".
4. Return the ESL Flag to the plugin.
5. Close SSEdit saving the changes in the plugin.
If everything is okay, SSEdit will close normally. This will prevent future problems with your game.
Great-looking outfit but sadly will not fit the CBBE 3BA Lite (CBPC/SMP combo) body... Please consider CBBE 3BA Lite body support in the future. Thank you.
Hello, any tips to reduce the lag/fps drop when equip this very awesome dress? Unlike your other mod/port, this one make my fps drop so bad.....but i still wanna use it....any tips/help?
Thank you very much.
Ah my bad, I found them. I somehow missed em after merging.