The summer months are upon us and what better way than to vacation in a tropical island? Take your Dragonborn to Solitude where they will find a boat that leads them to three tropical islands!
Download: Tropical Island for Special Edition

Installation: Install the zip file with any mod manager. If you use mods like Gomapero World, Aethersuite, etc., you may notice that there might be conflicts. The only conflicts there are are small clutter objects. Feel free to say yes when replacing all.

Note: Users with weak systems may suffer from FPS issues on the island. There are many trees and foliage that will tax your system. You have been warned!

great place ♥ can't wait to take my followers there hehe, although I have a lot of your outfits :) but this, I found on this site, - 素晴らしい場所です♥ 私のフォロワーをそこに連れて行くのが待ちきれません、ふふ、あなたの衣装はたくさん持っていますが :) でもこれは、このサイト で見つけました。
broken my trees and when i aproach to the boat my game get freezed :/
warning. After visiting this place, my game have black/bad texture/flickering bug everywhere I look, I tried a lot of fix till I disable this mod then every was back to normal. video
Would you be willing to show a couple screenshots of the map and in game location of the ship to sail out? I've been having trouble finding it.