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Vindictus Crystal Rose

Writer's picture: SunJeongSunJeong

Download: Vindictus Crystal Rose CBBE SE HDT-SMP Credit: ??? (Please tell me original author if you know it) A fancy heavy armor! Featuring full SMP clothing physics! Fomod options for vanilla or heels sound. Fomod options for the color of the armor!

Note 1: The outfit ONLY supports HDT-SMP. Note 2: This is a fomod installer for several options



BodySlide: Please build the outfits under the name Vindictus Crystal Rose.

Obtain: The items can be found in a locked chest inside Warmaidens in Whiterun. Find the key in Warmaidens to unlock the chest!

56,784 views11 comments


Bowl Traditional
Bowl Traditional
Aug 20, 2023

Hi! Would you be willing to make this light armor? Not all the pieces can be converted to light


Mar 06, 2022

Hi Sun

I love Vindictus Crystal Rose, that being said, I have to report something:

This mod is flagged as an esl, but it hasn't being compacted properly. Hopefully you'll fix this because this might cause save corruption.


Please follow this instructions until the author fixes this.

1. Open the plugin in SSEdit and remove the ESL flag.

2. Close SSEdit saving changes. Open SSEdit again and select the plugin again.

3. Then right click on the plugin and select "Compact formIDs for ESL".

4. Return the ESL Flag to the plugin.

5. Close SSEdit saving the changes in the plugin.

If everything is okay, SSEdit will close normally. This will prevent future problems with your game.


kamui takano
kamui takano
Jan 17, 2021

i have a loot error with this armor , i fix opening the plugin with SSEDIT and deleting the ESL flag.


Nov 15, 2020

Hello, thanks for this awesome armor, I tried the armor in game and it worked fine, but when I used LOOT I noticed an error with it [this plugin contains records that have formids outside the valid range for an esl plugin. using this plugin will cause irreversible damage to your game saves.] Is there any way to fix this error please ?


Aug 03, 2020

혹시 le전용인가요? 아이템 꺼내기 모드로는 꺼낼수 없는건가요?

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