Download: Vindictus Valkyrie for Special Edition
A seamstress bestows her icy gracefulness into this outfit! Ideal for Frost mages seeking protection. Light armor with an aesthetic suitable for the harsh winters of Skyrim. All credits go to arkel608 for the original mod. I just ported it.
Note 1: The outfit supports ONLY supports HDT-SMP. Apologies in advanced as this does not look good without it. Note 2: This mod is ESL flagged.

Bodyslide and Outfit Studio
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Edition
BodySlide: Please build the outfits under the name Vindictus Valkyrie.
Obtain: The items can be found in a custom chest located at a Talos Statue outside of Windhelm. A little story is involved with obtaining the outfit.

답변안해주셔도 될듯하네요 SKSE 2.2.3=스카이림 1.6.640 이 HDT-SMP 밎 FASTER HDT-SMP 랑 호환이 안되네요 왜업뎃을안해주는지는 모르겟고 아무튼 감사합니다
순정님 안녕하세요 너무 오래된글이라 답변을 하실지 모르겟네요 밑에 외국인이랑 똑같은 증상이 잇는데 HDT-SMP 모드도잇고 SKSE 에 CBBE-3BA CBPC 쓰고잇는데 의상의 일부와 날개는 발밑에잇네요 대체 뭐가 문제일까요.. 밑에 외국인이 SKSE 에 특별한 실행프로그램이잇기때문이라고 하던데 이건또 뭔소리인지 모르겟네요
I have this and Devil Hunter outfit but they are being conflict each other and Sweet Doll. Can you help me with the load order of these 3 please?
Never mind, my dumbass figured it out :)
Looks really nice. Found the outfit at the statue. How do I get the story to start to get it?